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Wondering how to use the reusable gift wrap with the ribbons attached to it?
No problem! There's an instructional video that you can check out here!


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Can you tell me more about your packaging?
Of course!
The clear cellophane bags that are sometimes used are made from wood cellulose and are backyard compostable, as are any stickers used on them, which are made from sugarcane.
The Kraft paper wrap around some of the products (and the kraft paper tape) is recyclable (and was procured secondhand from a fellow small business who changed their packaging).
Shipping materials are often re-used, or if your product comes in a gray poly envelope, they are designed to be re-used with a second adhesive built right in, and then they are recyclable with soft plastics (this can usually be found at the entrance to grocery stores.)


So I have a frequent shopper card but it says that I can only use it for in-person purchases... I'd like to order online. What do I do?
The reason for the restriction is that I haven't yet figured out how to mark off your purchase on the card if you're ordering online. BUT, if you would like to order online and have a frequent shopper card, just drop me an email and we'll figure things out. If I can link your orders to your shopping profile, we should be able to keep track of things and make sure to apply appropriately. I don't want to keep you from your rewards, I simply haven't figured out the logistics yet, so please bear with me and we'll figure it out!

Answers to more Frequently Asked Questions will be added soon!